Opening Hours: Mon - Sun : 10.00AM – 02.00PM & 04:00pm - 08:00pm (Sunday evening closed)

Acne Treatment

root canal treatment

Acne Treatment

Acne is an Multifaceted condition related to hormons, genetics, skin care and diet. Commonly seen an face, chest, shoulder & Back.

It is an chronic inflammatory skin infection of sebaceous glants, which is characterized by Black heads, white heads and pus filled lisious.

Causes of Acne

• Increased oil protection by sebaceous glants.
• Bacterial Infection
• Clogging of pares with dirts & pollution
• Hereditary
• Rude diets
• Stress
• Hormonal influence

Treatment of Acne

• Topical application of ointments
• Oral antibiotics
• Retinae ds
• Acne cheek peels
• Carbon lasers
• Microdermabrasion